Remember that resolution you made just a few short weeks ago – to make a healthy lifestyle change, learn a new skill, or finally tackle that massive task you’ve been putting off?
More of us made a resolution for 2021 – nearly 75% of U.S. adults, according to pollsters, up nearly 15% from the year before – but studies suggest less than 10% of resolution-makers actually follow through. Lighthouse is here to help with the Lighthouse Challenge, a virtual fund-raising, crowd-cheering event aimed at helping you reach your goal while helping us reach our goal of raising $50,000. All proceeds will help provide food and shelter to local families hit especially hard by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Participating is easy! Simply do that thing you’ve been wanting to do and make a positive difference at the same time.
“This event is new for us,” said Andrea DiGiovanni, Lighthouse’s director of development operations and communications. “Instead of hosting a run or a walk or some other kind of virtual event, we created the Lighthouse Challenge to let people choose whatever goal THEY wanted. January seemed like the perfect time to kick things off.”
Here’s how it works:
1. Set a personal goal or create a team to accomplish a goal together
2. Our team will check in during the month, post your progress photos, and support
3. Invite family and friends to support you, while donating to help local people in need.
And the need is great. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Lighthouse has gone from serving 10,000 individuals a year, to nearly 5,000 each week. And we need the community’s help to continue providing food, shelter and other services to those who need it most.
“The Lighthouse Challenge is a great way to give extra purpose to your goals or resolutions,” says DiGiovanni.
While fitness goals are common, others are taking a different approach. Learning a new language, testing out recipes and watching “Hamilton” all the way through are just a few examples of participant goals.
What you choose is not as important as following through with your plan.
The challenge platform is built on community support – a key factor in accomplishing any goal. Experts say going it alone is one of the main reasons so many new year’s resolutions fail. It’s harder to give up when you’ve got a crowd cheering you on.
That accountability is one of the things that appeals most to Lighthouse development associate Emily Wood, who signed up for the challenge to help her meet her goal of drinking 100 ounces of water a day.
“I chose the water challenge because I’ve always struggled to drink enough water and I know it’s a positive change I need to make in my life. I hope by using the Lighthouse Challenge as my accountability platform, I’ll be able to make this lifestyle change while also bringing awareness to a mission I’m passionate about.
“With my friends and family checking in on my progress, they’ll be able to see what Lighthouse is all about, and the work we do.”
To sign up, visit: