SOS Emergency Shelter & Rehousing services
Shelter when it's needed most.
Learn more about the SOS Emergency Shelter and housing services below.

SOS Emergency Shelter
Demand for Emergency Shelter in our community is high.
We provide up to 90 days of emergency housing for families, of any make up, with children experiencing homelessness. Our shelter offers private sleeping quarters for families and daily meals. All households are connected with a case manager to collaboratively work towards exiting into housing and connect with other needed services. Due to having children, all guests will have background checks completed prior to entry. We cannot admit households with criminal sexual conduct or violent felonies within the last 5 years.
To contact our shelter team, please call us daily at 248-920-6000 x3300 Monday-Friday at 10:00 a.m. or email us at
Rehousing Services
All those interested in housing programs must call the Housing Resource Center at Community Housing Network to be screened for program eligibility. Your responses will guide the screening process to recommend options connecting you to the programs and resources to address housing needs. Each program has its own eligibility requirements, which is why callers receive a screening. The HRC specialists will figure out all options and connect you to the right programs and resources based on eligibility and circumstance.
Contact: HRC at 248-269-1335 or (toll-free) 1-866-282-3119, or email
Emergency shelter documents
Grievance Report
Lighthouse Release of Information
Income & Asset Recertification
Shelter Resources
Domestic violence shelter for women and children and occasionally men in immediate danger.
Mary’s Mantle
Provides non-emergency shelter for childless, pregnant, adult women.
Grace Centers of Hope
Men, Women, Children
Short term shelter and 1 year programs
Call anytime